Friday, June 19, 2020

Helen Kozlowski Kaminski 1892-1978, my maternal great-grandmother

My great-grandmother Helen Kozlowski - taken shortly after she immigrated in 1909. Helen or Lena as she was called in her native language, was born May 14, 1892 in Dzierwany, which is a little town in Poland that sits at the top of Lake Hanzca, almost on the border of Lithuania. When she was born the town was part of Germany. Helen's mother did not want her to go to America, and they had harsh words about it. Helen remember's telling her "but everyone is going!". When she got to the ship in Bremen, she was allowed to board without payment, providing her passage was paid on the other side.  Her mother's brother, Gottlieb Korban, had immigrated earlier, and was living in Jersey City, NJ. He agreed to be her sponsor, pay her passage, and pick her up at Ellis Island.  Unfortunately he never showed up. Her passage was paid by a wealthy family who lived on Amsterdam Ave in NYC, who needed someone to cook and clean for them. Off she went with total strangers, and stayed there until her debt was paid. This photo was taken in front of their home. Helen then went on to her Aunt's home in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where she met and married my great-grandfather, Frank Kaminski, who was also an immigrant. She was barely 17 when she arrived at Ellis Island- alone. She never saw her parents again. I can't imagine how frightened she must have been to not have a friendly face waiting for her on the other side. When I was just about the age she was in this photo, she gave it to me and told me the story. How lucky I was to have her in my life for 22 years. She was a very terrific great-grandmother, and I miss her dearly.