Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ruth Kaminski 1922-2015

This is my grandmother’s sister, whom I got my love of family history from. Ruth Kaminski was born in 1922 in a farmhouse in a very small town in northeastern Pennsylvania. Her parents were immigrants, coming to Scranton, Pa. from the Suwalki area of Poland. Her father worked in the coal mines, then traded that life for the farm that Ruth was born on. She was one of eight children. She saw how hard the farming life was and dreamed of something different. After her high school graduation, she moved to NYC, where she worked as a dental hygienist. Ironically, she married a young man from her hometown, Franklin Resseguie. She did some modeling to put him through law school at Cornell University. They had 2 children, and life had it’s ups and downs. Ruth was known for being very stylish, and for her love of hats. She gave up eating red meat long before it was popular to do so. She had beautiful skin and always protected it from the sun. When DNA testing became popular she didn’t hesitate when I asked her to take a test. She lived to be 93, and was quite healthy almost till the end.  I miss our visits, and the talks we had about our family.

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