Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mystery photo indentified as Hartman Reunion

I found this picture in my great-grandmother’s photo collection. It looked like a reunion picture to me, but I had no idea who anyone was except for my great-grandparents who were standing in the very back of the crowd. I put it aside, and recently decided to take another look. What I missed the first time was a date written on the back of the picture. August 25, 1917. I started researching newspapers from the area they lived, and discovered that this was indeed a reunion of the Hartman/Hortman family, and it wasn't the first one- it was the 7th annual. Enoch Hortman and Anna Ent were my 5th great-grandparents. They had at least 9 children, my 4th great-grandmother, Sarah Hartman who married Isaiah Mittan was one of them. By the time this reunion was held, Sarah and Isaiah were both deceased. The newspaper article named the attendees of the reunion, and I am slowly working my way through trying to identify all the people in the photo. 

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